How does it work?
To get started, line up your sponsor. Talk to parents, grandparents, teachers, neighbors, and friends. Next, you can decide if you would like to have your sponsor, your parents or family and friends commit financially to you should you complete the requirements of the Live Golden Foundation program. Then you and your sponsor can decide what you’ll be paid and when. It is important to note that the financial commitment is purely optional. You can simply take the pledge, and have you and your sponsor attest regularly. We are asking you to commit to sobriety until you graduate from high school, but would also encourage you to continue until you are 21 years old. Put it in writing so it’s clear. Nothing formal, just a piece of paper or an email.
After we process your pledge and sponsor information, we’ll send you a welcome email so you know your pledge is active. Then, we’ll check in with you and your sponsor each month to confirm you’re keeping your word. And we’ll record your monthly check-ins in our database. Only you, your sponsor, your parents and the Live Golden team can see this information.
Now you’re ready to go online and complete your Live Golden pledge form.
What if I have already participated in drug abuse or underage drinking ?
It’s not too late. Even if you have already participated in drugs or underage drinking you can still join Live Golden Foundation.